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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Update:The Last day At school.

The Principal of the high School offered us an opportunity to visit the Middle School. She herself drove us to the Weston Middle School. We were welcomed warmly by the Principal. A teacher was attached with us to take us around the school campus and to various classes. We were very happy  to experience this yet another thrill of being with smaller kids who are very curious and asked us a lot of questions. We visited many classes and observed them. We presented brief talks to them about Bhutan, GNH, Bhutanese Education System and so any other things. They showered us with questions. It was so much fun.
Back at WHS, in the afternoon I made presentation to the 10th Grade History Students on Bhutan, its Brief history,  Geography and Politics as well as on GNH. The day was satisfying as we talked with so many people on a lot of different things.
We met the Principal and few teachers and said our goodbyes...

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Update: Day 17

This was the first Cruise experience for all three of us. It was three hours fun filled sightseeing cruise getting to see many spectacular sights of New York from water. There was a knowledgeable  tour guide pointing out to us famous landmarks and explaining their significances. The most awaited and also breathtaking sight being that of Statue of Liberty, followed by magnificent structures like Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges, United Nations building, Roosevelt Island and many Skyscrapers and many more. It was completely a new way to see NYC and it was total entertainment though it was freezing cold.
After the Cruise we went to a popular Italian restaurant  named after the Italian Robinhood -
 Il Brigante. We had a very delicious dinner. Thank you Il Brigante.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Report: Concerning the Progress of the GNH Exchange Program


Concerning the Progress of the Gross National Happiness Exchange Program

Written by Julian Jacobs

I am writing this report in an effort to help illuminate some of the challenges and successes that this program has had in its infant, first year of function. As is stated in its official project description, the Gross National Happiness (GNH) Exchange Program was developed for the purpose of created a greater sense of intercultural understanding, tolerance, and social responsibility within both the Kingdom of Bhutan and the United States through their respective interaction with one another. Since such an exchange program has never materialized prior to this one, this first year of function has been one marked by constant assessments (and reassessment) of the capacity for this program so serve as a useful means of interaction between two distant countries. This, coupled with questions regarding the role of the program’s participants, the allocation of funds, its extension in a university / college environment and the impact of this project with the community have driven much of our work throughout the last year and half.
Nearly all the coordination and planning done for this program took place over frequent Skype calls between Namgay Wangchuk and me. Our work together moved smoothly despite the occasional difficulty of coordinating an appropriate time for a call. By having one member of the Royal Education Council (REC) to help coordinate the “Bhutan half” of the exchange program, I was able to direct more of my attention to gaining the funds we needed to get the exchange off the ground. This was an effective way of coordinating this project because we were working, primarily, amongst ourselves and did not need to slow down the process on account of anyone else. Still, friction did occur on a few occasions, lending to brief setbacks in our ability to finalize the program. The first concerned the name of the exchange. Although I had initially presented the title “Gross National Happiness Exchange Program” to the REC, I eventually felt that the title “Bhutan-US Exchange Program” would be a more accurate title for the project. This name was denied by the Ministry of Education, forcing us to revert it back to its original title. One question we are still considering is whether or not this program has the capacity to serve as a larger, international, exchange program between countries outside of just the U.S. and Bhutan. The current title seems to lend itself to such a possibility.
Although I have said that Namgay and I were able to work around the occasional coordination issues that came through working from so far away, our efforts came, at one point, to a complete when issues revolving around visas and passports emerged. Still, as this program gains a stronger foothold, we anticipate that such issues will be minimized if not nonexistent. After a full year of function, we are convinced that this program has a lot to offer and can play a significant role in the way its participants view the world. The Weston High School students were amazed at the simple, yet fulfilling life that the Bhutanese people lead and were able to have the incredibly unique opportunity to actually live with a family in Bhutan for a month. The effects of this exchange program on these students has been absolutely transformative, as many of much of the experience and maturity they gained in Bhutan seems to have been carried back to Weston. Furthermore, the small kingdom of Bhutan has become a large source of discussion amongst a student body that previously had no knowledge of the country. On the other hand, the Bhutanese who traveled to the U.S. through the program (and are still here as I write this), were able to have a privileged interaction with a country that the vast majority of Bhutanese will never experience. This took the form of trips to places ranging from museums in New York, a Knicks game, and a Shakespeare play on Broadway. These experiences were set in context with work in Weston High School, as both the students and the teacher who traveled to the U.S. during this first year were able to take complete courses at Weston High School and learn through a complete different style of teaching in an entirely different environment (one that is more technologically oriented). The teacher Sonam Zangpo was so inspired from his experiences that he proclaimed at a school reception that he would bring everything he learned in the U.S. back to Bhutan to revolutionize his school. This seems to validate the capacity for this program to have an immense impact within both the U.S. and Bhutan. Still, we are anticipating that this program will become highly competitive within the next year and we hope that such an environment would make for better, more qualified, candidates to travel through this exchange.

Update: Day 16

We have Poetry Slams in our schools, but Poetry Jam Open Mic Slam sounded very exiting and unique, so the spiciness attracted us to witness it on the evening of Feb. 7 at the Weston High School. There was also a basketball game going on between WHS and Norwalk HS along with this program. The Open Slam was hosted by Teen Peaceworks - a club in the school with the theme "No excuse for Abuse". The program basically had poem recitation by a Teacher writer and students and the exciting part was the student groups singing Karaoke. Mr. Sonam Wangchen - a Bhutanese student,  also sang an English Song and pretty impressed the crowd to receive an standing ovation and applause. Weston HS won the basketball match. There was so much of energy and enthusiasm in the auditorium as the competition was neck to neck. It was fun and an engrossing night.

Photos: Shakespeare

                                               With Yale Architecture Professor

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Update: Day 15

Wednesday I got this Once in a Life Time opportunity to witness a Shakespearean Drama in the world renowned Belasco Theatre in the New York city. This was my FIRST and the Most astonishing Shakespearean play: The Tragedy of Richard The Third.When at a time, in my country the big debate for reinstalling Shakespeare into the education curriculum is being intensely carried out at various levels, for a pro-Shakespearean like me, and a humble aficionado of literature, this play was sans inspirational.
The play was executed so elegantly that I am left thrilled and in love with Shakespeare again. I will continue this crusade to put back Shakespeare into our curriculum with whatever small means I can. I would also like to thank wholeheartedly Mr. Brian Jacobs- my host, for making it possible for me to witness this, what i would call, "A Magic".

Photos: Bhutan Reception

Zangpo delivering a speech 
At the meeting

Julian standing up to give his speech

Donating books from Bhutan to the WHS library

Receiving WHS hats

Zangpo and the principal of WHS

The entire group at the reception 

Julian with the participants of the GNH Exchange Program from 2013-2014

Outside WHS

Speech by superintendent of Weston Public Schools 

Update: Day 12 - 14

Tuesday, we had a formal reception by the The Board of Education, Weston. The Principal, some members of faculty and all Bhutan Club members were present for the occasion. The Principal, Weston High School, followed by the Superintendent of Education, welcomed us formally to WHS. The Principal expressed that they are privileged to have us in their school. The Superintendent thanked the Coordinator Mr. Julian Jacobs and the other Co-founders and Pioneers of this program. I also took the chance to thank them all for sponsoring our trip and stay in US. I also vaguely though, highlighted the merits of  this Exchange program. Mr. Julian thanked the principal for the arrangement of the reception.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Update: Day 8 - 11

We visited the American Museum of Natural History on Sunday, 2nd Feb. We had an adventurous time at the museum. We got a marvelous opportunity to see a huge collection of specimens of plants, humans, animals, fossils, and human cultural artifacts. My students were very excited to see all these things in their most original form. I am very sure they must have learned a lot of new things as our guides- host families and the Weston students explained and directed us through the museum's many exhibition hall. The Fossils and the Dinosaur exhibits was the biggest draw for us. Even the Ocean Life exhibits were amazing.

It was so much fun, simultaneously and more significantly  it was a multidimensional educational tour around the earth and beyond, encompassing the past, the present and the future. Personally the most remarkable experience was in the Hayden Planetarium with the new space show of Dark Universe. It introduced to us the discoveries that have led us to greater knowledge of the structure and history of the universe and our place in it. We felt like we were launched into the Space in some kind of shuttle. We voyaged the infinite universe.

After having a hearty dinner at the Olive Garden Hotel, we came out to the brightly illuminated Times Square in the heart of New York City. It is also known as one of the world's busiest pedestrians and there was so many people waiting for the the Super Bowl Final to be projected on the many huge screens that were hung on skyscrapers on all sides. We were told the Square never sleeps.

We were also taken to one of the host families for witnessing the Super Bowl Final together. It was a warm and welcoming polish family. We loved watching it together though we were not able to make a complete sense of the game. The enthusiasm the Americans have for this game totally amazed me.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Update: Day 7

We visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City on the afternoon of 1st Feb. It was the most incredible thing that I have ever been to. I found the Whole World in here. The Human Civilization in its entirety is so meticulously captured in this museum. I got the taste of every culture from around the world. It was just awesome. I witnessed 5000 years of human Civilization in all its magnificence in this magnificent building. There is a lot to learn and explore...a lot...