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Sunday, July 28, 2013

ALERT: We Will Not Be Posting Again Until August 9

Today we will be travelling to Phunaka, Bhutan where we will stay and work as teachers in Tashidingkha Middle Secondary School. Unfortunately, our ability to access the internet will be extremely limited and as a result, we will not be able to post until we get back to Thimphu (Bhutan's more advanced capital). This is one of the most interesting parts of our trip as we will be able to converse with students our age and insert ourselves into a more raw and culturally untouched part of Bhutan. When we get back on August 8th, we will have a lengthy update about our experiences as well as what we taught in schools. In addition, we will be posting a reflective article about our time in Bhutan thus far. Thank you for your patience, we will be back soon.