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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Update: Day 15

Wednesday I got this Once in a Life Time opportunity to witness a Shakespearean Drama in the world renowned Belasco Theatre in the New York city. This was my FIRST and the Most astonishing Shakespearean play: The Tragedy of Richard The Third.When at a time, in my country the big debate for reinstalling Shakespeare into the education curriculum is being intensely carried out at various levels, for a pro-Shakespearean like me, and a humble aficionado of literature, this play was sans inspirational.
The play was executed so elegantly that I am left thrilled and in love with Shakespeare again. I will continue this crusade to put back Shakespeare into our curriculum with whatever small means I can. I would also like to thank wholeheartedly Mr. Brian Jacobs- my host, for making it possible for me to witness this, what i would call, "A Magic".

Photos: Bhutan Reception

Zangpo delivering a speech 
At the meeting

Julian standing up to give his speech

Donating books from Bhutan to the WHS library

Receiving WHS hats

Zangpo and the principal of WHS

The entire group at the reception 

Julian with the participants of the GNH Exchange Program from 2013-2014

Outside WHS

Speech by superintendent of Weston Public Schools 

Update: Day 12 - 14

Tuesday, we had a formal reception by the The Board of Education, Weston. The Principal, some members of faculty and all Bhutan Club members were present for the occasion. The Principal, Weston High School, followed by the Superintendent of Education, welcomed us formally to WHS. The Principal expressed that they are privileged to have us in their school. The Superintendent thanked the Coordinator Mr. Julian Jacobs and the other Co-founders and Pioneers of this program. I also took the chance to thank them all for sponsoring our trip and stay in US. I also vaguely though, highlighted the merits of  this Exchange program. Mr. Julian thanked the principal for the arrangement of the reception.