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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Update: Day 15

Wednesday I got this Once in a Life Time opportunity to witness a Shakespearean Drama in the world renowned Belasco Theatre in the New York city. This was my FIRST and the Most astonishing Shakespearean play: The Tragedy of Richard The Third.When at a time, in my country the big debate for reinstalling Shakespeare into the education curriculum is being intensely carried out at various levels, for a pro-Shakespearean like me, and a humble aficionado of literature, this play was sans inspirational.
The play was executed so elegantly that I am left thrilled and in love with Shakespeare again. I will continue this crusade to put back Shakespeare into our curriculum with whatever small means I can. I would also like to thank wholeheartedly Mr. Brian Jacobs- my host, for making it possible for me to witness this, what i would call, "A Magic".

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