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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Update: Day 3 - 4

Its completely a different experience to observe and be a part of any Weston Classroom in the  Process. I saw miracles happening  in the Weston Classrooms and the teachers or any instructors are the miracle workers. This assertion should not sound like an exaggeration or a hype of any type. I have seen it happening at Weston, the most remarkable of things that I have only studied as a part of some highly acclaimed educational theories and ideas. I have seen all those great philosophies of teaching and learning in the most tangible form in the classrooms, corridors and auditoriums of Weston. These statements are however relatively made with most of the educational institutions that I have been a part of or seen in my part of the world.

 The classrooms here are equipped with the most latest technology and a variety of teaching aids. The lessons here are delivered in more the one medium.The class size  and the teacher - student ratios are so favorable for a high quality teaching and learning to happen. I have always associated school with Chalk and teachers life for "chalk and talk" but this was the first school in my life where I have not seen even a piece of chalk. They have instead something known as Smart Board and that really qualifies its name. It just kept me absolutely amazed. You can do absolutely anything on it. Its fun to be both teaching as well as learning here at Weston.

to be continued...