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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Update: Day 29

We watched one last time as Bhutan's massive Himalayan Mountains sunk beneath us as we rose above the kingdom that we had just spent one month experiencing, working in, and learning from. Although we could not entirely suppress the sadness we felt in leaving all the friends that we had made behind, we left with a sense of fulfillment under the basis that we had taken part in, and helped lay the foundation for, the first exchange program between Bhutan and the US. Through the many classes across Bhutan that we were fortunate enough to interact with and teach, we feel that we have left a lasting impact and have succeeded in our goal of exchanging our ideas and beliefs with the Bhutanese students through our work in their schools. Beyond this, Bhutan presented us with entirely foreign and unique belief system and has impacted the way we view the world as well as our communities local, national, and international. In the coming months, we will be working to bring the first group of students from Bhutan to the US through the exchange program, which we hope will prove to be a systematic means of exposing students from completely different cultural backgrounds to the ideas of another country.