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Cover Photo

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Update:The Last day At school.

The Principal of the high School offered us an opportunity to visit the Middle School. She herself drove us to the Weston Middle School. We were welcomed warmly by the Principal. A teacher was attached with us to take us around the school campus and to various classes. We were very happy  to experience this yet another thrill of being with smaller kids who are very curious and asked us a lot of questions. We visited many classes and observed them. We presented brief talks to them about Bhutan, GNH, Bhutanese Education System and so any other things. They showered us with questions. It was so much fun.
Back at WHS, in the afternoon I made presentation to the 10th Grade History Students on Bhutan, its Brief history,  Geography and Politics as well as on GNH. The day was satisfying as we talked with so many people on a lot of different things.
We met the Principal and few teachers and said our goodbyes...

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