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Sunday, January 26, 2014

Update: Day 1

My first day at Weston
“The WOW's just wonderful...the white snow everywhere, the lofty naked trees, the timid sunshine peeping through the woods, the white smoke swelling up from the rooftop chimneys and blending with the white around, the squirrels looking for their squirreled nuts...and all of these greets me GOOD’s AWESOME...all of these were stuffs of my dreams... Thank you BHUTAN CLUB and this time I am not dreaming...”
The three host families namely (the Jacobs', the Pritskers', and the Babinski's) already had a plan through which to introduce us to their beautiful town of Weston. It was Sunday, 26th Jan, an outing was charted to visit remarkably beautiful places around in Weston. We were taken first to a reservoir- a natural lake totally frozen on the surface, which spreads over a vast area. It looked like a vast ice desert. It was piercing cold outside that without gloves and hats one will not feel the existence of fingers and ears.
The next place of our visit was a restaurant with a slogan, “America Runs on Dunkin.” It is a very popular restaurant. There we had hot chocolates and donuts of our pick.
We also visited a beach on the south. It was too windy and very cold. There was very few people and dogs playing on the beach. We tried to collect the sea shells and chase the sea gulls. We saw light houses at a distance. All of these were things we saw before only in pictures and movies.
Next we visited Westport public library. It was a huge building with a spacious hall with books I suppose on every spheres of knowledge. This was the biggest library I have ever been to. The most fascinating thing happening there was Three-D printing. I or neither of my students have ever heard anything about it, forget about seeing it happen. We took photos and made videos to take the concept to Bhutan.
In the evening we were taken to a restaurant named “The Five Guys”. We were accompanied by seven other American friends from Weston High School. So it was the evening the ten guys went to the Five Guys. There we had the most American dinner. It was the first Hamburger experience at the place of its invention (Connecticut).
This is how our First American Day ended. It wouldn’t have been more wonderful than this. Thank you everyone who made this possible for us.

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