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Cover Photo

Monday, August 19, 2013

Update: Day 28

We spent our final day resting for our flight back to the US. Most of us slept in and ate a late breakfast at our hotel. For lunch, we went to an Internet cafe and did a little work on the blog. Some of us bought gifts for our friends and family, in Paro. We returned to the hotel to pack our bags for an early flight out of Bhutan. After packing, we played volleyball with the hotel employees. Tonight, we begin preparing ourselves for adjustment to US timezones. We've come full circle, returning to the place we began our journey. It's hard for us to believe that we landed here a month ago. We're all eager to go home and see our family and friends but we will miss the sprawling mountains of the land of the thunder dragon. We hope to revisit our Bhutanese friends one day.

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