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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Update: Day 1

After a long and strenuous journey that lasted 28 hours,we have finally arrived in Bhutan: the Land of the Thunder Dragon and the home of GNH. Still, our physical distance from home has not yet been fully calibrated. Coming from the US, we are both physically and mentally separated from the rest of the world. We have only read about the historical events that have taken place in South East Asia so staring from the airplane into Vietnam brought us a new level of tangibility. Our trip took us to Tokyo, Bangkok, and Bangladesh before we finally reached Bhutan. Excitement shook us as we realized that we were finally traveling to the country that we had spent half a year preparing for. From the descent into Paro Airport, our first day has been a unique and spectacular experience. The airport is located in a valley and is surrounded by massive yet strikingly beautiful mountains. The airport itself was very small with only three rooms for immigration, luggage pickup , and the departure gates. We were met by two members of the Royal Education Council, who drove us from Paro to Bhutan's capital of Thimphu. This one hour long drive was incredibly scenic as we swerved through mountains and passed colored prayer flags and shrines. After finally reaching Thimphu and passing through hundreds of rice fields, we finally reached our hotel for the night: The Peaceful Resort. A small, quiet, and peaceful (as the name implies) inn on the outskirts of Thimphu. Tomorrow we will be meeting the Royal Education Council staff as well as the host families that we will be staying with for the majority of the trip.

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